Value-Weighted Sorted Portfolios
Equal-Weighted Sorted Portfolios
Calculate the China A-Share characteristics and returns
Use this repo to calculate sorted portfolios returns and long-short factors
Results are in folders, where include bivariate sorted returns, univariate sorted returns, and univariate sorted factors.
$ cd code
$ sh
- Assume linux user.
- Go to the folder `code` and then run the commanda `sh`
This repo provides code for your reference, which is only for academic purposes and is not for commercial use. This repo does not disclose any confidential data or proprietary data. Specifically, this repo does not share the source data or intermediary data. Researcher can use open-source web crawler, or commercial data vendor, e.g. CSMAR, Wind, WRDS, for the input data.
The contributers are open to any academic discussion and collaboration.
Xin He